Monday, December 21, 2020


Senator Schumer was on TV today talking about the virus and he said that Biden will take action and replace a man who did nothing to stop the virus. Trump canceled all fights from China on January 31st and was accused of being xenophobic, on February 27 he appointed VP Pence to head up the war on the virus, on March 12th he suspended all flights from Europe, on March 26th he signs $9 billion covid response bill, on April 16th $483 million to Moderna for vaccine, on April 29 Operation Warp Speed begins to create a virus and the government has spent over $6 trillion dollars so far fighting the virus. Democrats often equate how much you care about an issue by how much you are willing to spend and $6 trillion is a lot of care. After Schumer, a democratic congressman Jim Clyburn, who is a smart guy, was interviewed and when asked if he thought the vaccine was a good thing and he said it was but it would have been produced faster if Trump had gotten out of the way.

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