Friday, December 18, 2020


Many people see how the country is divided and blame Trump because he is president. This division started before Trump when voters in England decided to leave the European Union. It was like other European countries where the working people were upset with the establishment. The blue collar working class in America watched their jobs go overseas and no one cared. They saw a flow of immigrants coming in and competing for low wage jobs. They felt the government was more concerned about immigrants than about themselves. They were accused of being prejudiced but in fact if these new immigrants had been raising wages they would have been all for it. It was not skin color but wages. They watched mostly the sons and daughters of blue collar workers fight the wars that seem to profit big defense contractors. They come back with injuries and the VA seems not to care. Social Media promotes political conflict where people get their news. Republicans watch their sites and democrats watch theirs and this adds to the conflict. These people got fed up and voted for Sanders or Trump because they were crying out for help, for someone to notice their plight. Unless something is done to help this group they will be back next election in even larger numbers.

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