Sunday, December 20, 2020

Power to the people

What happened under Trump was happening all over the industrialized world. The people were fed up with the experts running their lives and they voted for change. A good example is what happened in England. They voted to leave the European Union. The groups that wanted to stay were the people who were doing well, the establishment along with big business. The same thing was happening in the US and now it looks like a return to the pre-Trump years. Business will once again profit by sending jobs overseas and the blue collar workers will pay the price. The power will remain in the hands of the powerful and the people will just have to adjust. This all occurred without the average person knowing what was going on because the news was all about Trumps personality quirks instead of what his policies were. Changing NAFTA, standing up to China, bringing jobs back home, getting out of agreements like the Paris Accords, the TPP, challenging the United Nations and the WTO were all ways to help the working class. The power to control the lives of the working people had shifted to government and business and the next move was to move the power to international groups by making international treaties. Just like England was getting their marching orders from Brussels, the US will be catering to these world wide agreements. The further away from the people the power goes the more the people will be left to fend for themselves. The workers will have to organize and fight against those in control but this time it appears that the press will be on the side of the elites.

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