Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thorium or climate change

Nuclear power plants came on in the late 50's and based on the technology at the time used water to cool the reactor core and that is how all plants operate today. The three accidents that have occurred in the past 70 years have all been caused by using water as the coolant. In a loss of power to the facility the pumps no longer operate and the cooling is shut down. Today's new technology using thorium as the fuel and molted salt at the coolant provide a safe shutdown in the loss of power. The molted salt as it cools solidifies and becomes its own seal. All new plants should use this newer safer technology and older plants should be retired and replaced as soon as possible. The same people who say that the world as we know it will end in a few short years are the people who oppose this change to thorium. Nuclear reactors with old technology have produced one accident in the United States since 1958 and faced with the pending destruction of climate change these people refuse to go to thorium power. Do they really believe that climate change is as threatening as they say?

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