Wednesday, November 2, 2022


The court is investigating affirmative action. I was closely involved when this program was introduce to industry. Plant managers were told to take steps to insure diversity(hire Blacks). The wise managers did this over time in order to cause as little disruption as possible. Properly instituted meant that no one had to be fired to open a job. It was done through attrition. The courts attention this time is on colleges. One extreme case is MIT where 20% of students are Asian Americans when this group represents 6% of the population. While more Blacks are being admitted to college their graduation rate is only half of Whites and Asians. This is the result of K-12 education which is failing Blacks at an unacceptable rate. This has been known for decades and many attempts have been made to correct the problem but nothing seems to work. Affirmative action spread quickly across the country in schools and work but one area was left to merit and that was and is sports. Up to a certain grade everyone gets to play but at some age only the best make the team. It is now creeping into sports in the management and ownership positions. If professional sports teams were told to include more Whites to the detriment of the team the fans would object. There is certainly no systemic racism in pro basketball and football.

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