Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Someone asked the other day if you could come up with one idea or concept that best explained what is happening to our country what would you say. The answer was watching students in school sit down during the pledge. More than a million have died defending the flag to protect our freedom. While the constitution gives the student the right to sit, many wonder why they choose to do so. There is no question that there are things wrong within our country and that will always be the case but there are not many places in the world where things overall are better. If those students sitting had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world would they go or would they stay here and work to make things better. Would they start with their own lives by working harder in school and looking for ways to reach out and help others. Would they offer kind words and smiles to others. Would they come to understand that this is America the land where dreams come true. There are countless stories of people who started with little to nothing and became productive citizens.

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