Monday, November 21, 2022


Beginning with the industrial revolution and continuing today the West built up its economy using fossil fuels and now the United Nations wants to ban the developing countries of Africa from fossil fuels. They seem unaware that the West cannot move away from fossil fuels and yet they expect Africa to do so. Natural gas and coal provides 70% of Africa's energy and some feel that all of this can be replaced by wind and solar to meet some 2030 goal. This type of planning will keep these developing nations from growing their economy so they can feed their people. The solution that these UN experts see is sending money to these countries as if they will use that to manufacture wind and solar. Most people see this as just a way to increase the power of the UN by allowing them to distribute the money and then it is anybodies guess as to where these funds will end up and will some go to the distributors. Last year the United States sent $117 billion to the IMF which has $700 billion to hand out to countries they deem deserving.

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