Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nuke power

When people have been indoctrinated, exposing them to facts in order to enlighten them can be a difficult if not impossible task. In the case of nuclear energy the world has been told that it is dangerous and creates too much waste. Taking these one at a time. The danger is reinforced by two major accidents, one at Chernobyl in 1986 and and the second at Fukushima n 2011. In the United States no one has ever been hurt by nuclear power plants. Even including the 46 deaths from Chernobyl the safety of nuclear is equal to the safety of wind and solar. As far as waste accumulation it is quit small. U.S. commercial reactors have generated about 90,000 metric tons of spent fuel since the 1950s. If all of it were able to be stacked together, it could fit on a single football field at a depth of less than 10 yards. Using the new thorium nuclear reactors which are smaller and less expensive the waste material can be used to produce more energy while reducing the stock pile. In a excruciatingly slow process the world is coming around to nuclear but the politics of wind and solar is getting in the way. The very people who propose to be the most concern about climate change are the ones holding back the progress of nuclear. Some of this is because of ignorance but much of it is political. Politicians see a way to get campaign funds from wind and solar as they did with Solyndra. A 2015 report from the Department of Energy found major flaws in Solyndra's business practices and claimed the company made"inaccurate and misleading" statements to obtain the loan guarantees, and also found fault with Department of Energy oversight.

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