Sunday, November 6, 2022

Time flies

Time flies is an old adage that takes on more meaning as we get older. The most amazing thing about it is how fast things change. My father was born in 1900 when there were no cars and he died in 1969 when man was on the moon. My wife was born in a farm house in North Dakota one of 16 children. They had no running water, no indoor plumbing and no electricity. On cold winter nights you had to follow the rope line out to the outhouse so you wouldn't get lost in a blizzard. Toilet paper was the Sears catalog. On Saturday night dad would fill a large tub with hot water and each would take their weekly bath. They had to get ready to go to church on Sunday which represented their social life. Sometimes after church a neighbor would come over and that would be a special treat. There were no birthday presents but mom would bake a cake and it would be shared by all. There were many chores and each family member worked hard. The boys out in the field and the girls at the house milking cows and churning butter. Mom sewed all the clothes and there were no store bought clothes. No one went to college and a few didn't finish high school. Move forward one generation and look at my daughters life. She had her own room with many dolls and other toys. She had indoor plumbing and electricity. She had all store bought clothes. At Christmas she had so many presents and she couldn't open them fast enough. She had a life filled with school activities and private dance lessons, good teachers and lots of friends. She graduated from college and has a career a family and lives in a fine home. I often tell people that I took my daughter off to kindergarten and then she got married. Time flies.

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