Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Raising children

Responsible parents understand that children must learn to accept the consequences of their behavior. When a child makes an error in judgment the parent does not make excuses for the action but they offer love as they help the child work through the problem. This allows the child to grow into an adult who will become a productive citizen. Too often these same parents do not show the same concerns for others. When a young Black man makes a mistake instead of encouraging him to accept the consequences they offer him a way out. They say it was poverty, broken families, racism or some other excuse and this allows the young man to feel what happened wasn't really his fault. These people who offer excuses do so with the best of intentions as sometimes happen with people and their own children. They act with compassion and a desire to help but their actions are counter productive. There are many stories about the father who always came to the rescue of his son by using influence and money to get the son out of trouble. The result is all too often a son who cannot stay out of trouble.

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