Monday, November 21, 2022


Some years ago it became common place for cities to make the written test for fire fighters and police officers easier so they could include more minorities and to some degree that made sense. When a fire fighter is going into a burning building to pull someone out his the test scores are not that important. But now the ideas has moved up to law school. Harvard and Yale law schools are removing the LSAT in order to bring in more diversity. If they do this and don't make the course work easier it will result in many students who scored low on the test score low in classroom work. Will they flunk out. Will this idea spread to pilots and physicians. Is this what Bush pointed out when he said the soft bigotry of low expectations. As the world becomes more complicated should standards be lowered while other countries like China are raising their standards. Is the recent example of the organic chemistry teacher who was fired because he was to tough going to be the new standard. Did this all have its start years ago when in forth grade every body got a trophy.

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