Monday, November 14, 2022


For the most part congressional investigations are just opportunities for politicians to go on national TV and make speeches. Since the government is now divided nothing much will be accomplished over the next two years. Anything the democrats want the house won't pay for and anything the republicans want the senate will not go for and if they did Biden would veto. What does that leave for them to do. Investigate. They will have subpoena power but the Department of Justice will not enforce so if there is a smoking gun the public will never know. The president will use executive decrees to push certain things but they will end up in court so once again the elected officials will not be determining policy but that will fall back on the courts. The bureaucracies will maintain their power because the continuing resolutions used instead of a budget will not allow the house to cut funding without shutting down the government. Bottom line is that the bureaucrats and the courts are running the country while the elected officials in the house, who are the representatives of the people, sit on the side lines and watch. All of the new members of congress elected this time are promising to make changes in Washington but they will find their hands are tied.

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