Monday, November 21, 2022


The US gets its rare earth metals from China and cobalt from the Congo. The environment in both of these countries is being contaminated. The water is poisoned and those working in the mines are suffering from different illnesses caused by the mining process. Meanwhile environmentalist here in the United States do not want to mine here as they feel it will contaminate our water. Once again shades of the "Ugly American" from the 1950's. They could stop this whole process by concentrating on thorium nuke reactors and switching away from wind and solar but they choose not to do so. The proponents of wind and solar never talk about the mining and disposition of the materials used but they frequently say that nuclear is dangerous. In the 60 years that nuclear power has been used in the US not one person has ever been injured. One wonders what is their motivation. Has the ideology of their politics blinded them to other options. Is the promise of pay back from solar controlling their actions. The government scientist understand the importance of nuclear but environmental groups are controlling these scientist.

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