Sunday, November 27, 2022


Over the years and more so in recent years the democrats have used race as a wedge issue. Throughout the day MSNBC has people on claiming that Trump voters are white supremacist. This strategy does two things. First is divides the country and second it moves the discussion away from policy issues, things like the border, crime and inflation. In dividing the country it solidifies the Black vote. The talk is always about discrimination both past and present and not about Black students getting further behind and Black neighborhoods being the center of crime and about the breakdown of Black families. These would be their concerns if they were really trying to help minorities. The words ethnic cleansing are often used to describe racial instances around the world. This is a process where those in power try to eliminate certain racial part of their people. Black women in the US have 40% of the abortions and this has been the case for many years. Using these facts a good argument could be made that abortion is racist.

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