Thursday, November 3, 2022

Black crime

Today on Morning Joe the complaint was that when ever people talk about crime it is racist. One of the reasons is that Blacks commit a disproportionate share of the crimes. For example while Blacks represent 13% of the population they commit 51% of murders, 50% of robberies, 53% of aggravated assaults, 27% of burglaries and 27% of rapes. These stats are even more damaging when it is reported that most Black crime is committed by Black males who represent only 6% of the population. If police are sent into high crime areas they will find more crime and if they send in fewer police there will be more crime. Young Black people have trouble with authority figures and it starts in schools and continues after they leave school. Within the Black community there are problems with respect for one another and dissing a person is cause for a violent response. Here is what experts say. "People often feel respect, awe, and admiration toward legitimate authorities, and many cultures have constructed virtues related to good leadership, which is often thought to involve magnanimity, fatherliness, and wisdom…[Societies may also] value virtues related to subordination: respect, duty, and obedience. Perhaps Blacks do not see authority figures as legitimate. For most people authority figures are parents, teachers, coaches, elected officials, bosses and police. In schools Black students represent 16% of enrollment but account for 40% of suspensions. This figure is diluted because most of the Blacks are males which account for only 8% of the enrollment. In additions most teacher go the extra mile when dealing with Black students.

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