Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Affirmative action is on the Court docket and like most issues it is not the same in all cases. Some cities simplified the written test for firemen in order to allow more minorities to qualify. This made some sense since the true test is can you haul out a person through a small basement window with all your equipment on. This of course would eliminate most female candidates. On the other hand should a person be allowed into medical school if they can't pass chemistry. Here the written tests take on more significance. Certain skills are required for many jobs and some skills are more important than others. You cannot be an air force pilot if you are 6 foot 6 inches tall. How tall you are is no more under your control than your skin color. Many jobs require written test and results are not effected by the race of the test taker. Should they be? Should a person who fails the math part of an accounting test be hired because of their race. Some common sense must be applied when answering these questions.

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