Thursday, November 3, 2022

Damned lies

The teenage defense (mom, everybody is doing it) has been around for a while but it has come into its own recently with President Biden's tendency to lie. He does so with impunity because the press doesn't call him out on it. The first defense is that Trump also lied and then that is expanded to Obama lied about keep your own plan and Bush lied about WMD in Iraq so since all president lie this is no big deal. So now we are all satisfied with presidents who lie. This is the result of each party making excuses for their side. One big difference with Trump was that the press exposed every lie something they are hesitant to do with Biden. Many lies result in no important consequences. When Biden says gas was $5 when he took office everyone knows that is not the case and so pretty much ignores it. The same is true of Trump when he exaggerates the size of crowds. Sometimes the lie can be significant. When Obama said you can keep your doctor or you can keep your plan that caused a great deal of headache for many people. Like Mark Twain said, there are lies, damned lies an statistics.

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