Friday, November 25, 2022

Career choice

Nearly 40% of college graduates regret their majors, a Washington Post analysis found earlier this year. Among arts and humanities majors, nearly half wished they’d studied something else, while STEM graduates tended to feel they made the right choice. One lady expressed what I see as the real problem. "I got a bachelor of fine arts in musical theater and I don’t regret it because that’s my job," one woman said. "I live here in New York. I’m a Broadway actor." Data shows that fewer than 2% get a job acting and most of those are low paying. What to tell a young person who wants to study music. If that is their dream you cannot tell them not to pursue it but you also know that they will probably not be able to make living and may have second thoughts about their career choice. Some times these grads will ask why didn't someone tell me.

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