Sunday, November 20, 2022

Free speech

Here is what polls show about free speech. More than nine in 10 Americans (91%) agree that “protecting free speech is an important part of American democracy.” Similarly, 90% of Americans agree that “people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions.” Significant majorities believe “free speech rights help marginalized groups be heard” (86%) and that “having different points of view, including those that are ‘bad’ or offensive to some, promotes healthy debate in society” (77%). Twitter had a poll asking if Trump should be allowed to return and 15 million people voted and 51% said yes he should return. The question is did the other 49% not believe in free speech or only in free speech that they agree with. If the idea of free speech has any significance it means speech you don't agree with. If what is said is not illegal it should be allowed. If you ban some speech because you think it is not true you open the door to banning all speech.

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