Wednesday, November 9, 2022


After this week the dust around the mid terms will settle and everyone will start on the 2024 election. If Trump runs the whole thing will revolve around him. Trump will come on strong saying he will get the country back on the track to where it was when he left office. This means energy independent, tough on crime and control of the border. He will increase import taxes on China to force more goods produced here in the USA. He will close out any hope of agreement with Iran and push for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine. He will make the Trump tax cuts permanent. He will push the schools to concentrate on academics. The democrats will not talk issues as they will be concentrating on Trumps personality. Trump will be talking policy and the press and the democrats will try to get him into argument over anything but policy and he will fall for it. They will push the idea that Trump is not a decent person and this will reflect on the country. Trump will give them lots of fodder and will dominate the news like he did in 2016. The country will likely be in a recession and inflation will slowly come down but that will be balanced by price and wage increases as more products are made in American. When the democrats select a candidate it will be a Miss congeniality contest to find the nicest person to contrast Trump. Policy will take a back seat to personality. Those who feel that policy is more important than personality would like to see Trump retire and let younger people take over. Rising star Florida Governor Ron DeSantis agrees with Trump policies and doesn't have the negatives. He is Harvard law grad with ten years of political experience and a Iraq War vet. He just won a landslide reelection.

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