Saturday, November 5, 2022


Many top democrats are saying the if the republicans take power that democracy as we know it is over. It is difficult to find a more precise meaning for what this means but yesterday a well respected democratic congressman James Clyburn offered his explanation. He said that if the republicans take control the US is "on track to repeat what happened in Germany". It is usually unwise to use the Nazi's to emphasis a point. Historian Michael Beschloss went over board when he said regarding a republican victory, "our children will be arrested and conceivably killed”. Hillary Clinton said republicans are just trying to scare people. One commentator on MSNBC complained that all Fox News talks about is inflation, crime and immigration and she is correct and those are what polls show that people are concerned about. Most people don't understand a phase like, the end of democracy as we know it but they do understand the cost of groceries. Some in the democratic party are concerned that they have lost touch with the people.

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