Thursday, March 14, 2024


Some of Biden's policies seem contradictory to many. He is providing Israel with the weaponry they need to attack the people in Gaza while he is proposing to build a dock to send aid into Gaza. He wants to send additional border agents and judges to cope with the migrants whom he allows to come in. He wants the US to lower the CO2 footprint while he has increasedfossil fuel production to record highs. He wants Ukraine to defeat Russia but doesn't want to use troops. In the State of the Union address he said there were no soldiers of war in Ukraine. Many interpret that as meaning there are US troops in Ukraine but they are not combat troops. This is from a site called Responsible Statecraft. Apr 18, 2023 — According to the document there were 97 special forces from NATO countries operating in Ukraine as of March, including 14 U.S. special forces Here is an ominous quote from Senator Coons from Feb 16, 2024 U.S. troops will be on the front lines against Russia without further Ukraine aid.

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