Monday, March 4, 2024


Back in 2014 US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland met with Ukrainian US envoy Pyatt to discuss regime change in Ukraine. The US did not like the pro Russian leader and wanted a pro West leader. With the help of the CIA Viktor Yanukovych was replaced with Zelenskyy. This was denied by the state department but later a secret conversation between Nuland and Pyatt was released and published on the BBC. World leaders were upset for a while but it was soon forgotten when the next news cycle came along. Now Nuland is leading the charge for more aid to Ukraine. Putin thinks he can outlast Ukraine but Nuland says, We need to prove him wrong. With the $60 billion supplemental that the Administration has requested of Congress, we can ensure Ukraine not only survives but thrives.With this support, in 2024, we will can help ensure Ukraine can continue to fight, to build, to recover, and to reform. This is just one more example of an un-elected bureaucrat calling the shots on US foreign policy. The disarming thing about this is that most Americans have never heard of Nuland

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