Sunday, March 10, 2024


If the elections were held today I would vote for Trump but if he didn't win I would not be upset. I realize that the economy is set to bring back good paying industrial type jobs as reshoring expands. The biggest problem over the next four years will be inflation and that will be the case regardless of which candidate wins. In four years both Biden and Trump will be forgotten and people will be adjusting to the new economy. There will be more jobs than applicants and the new migrants will help to alleviate the shortage. They will be given work permits and in time a path to citizenship. Unions will be revitalized and membership will rise. Supply chains will be much shorter as more things are made here in the USA. The real value of NAFTA will become apparent. This expanding economy will require far more energy so the production of fossil fuel will continue to rise. As the economy improves a lot of the strife will lessen and people will be more interested in their individual lives and political difference will become less important. The new industrial facilities will be very productive because of the latest technology including AI. After a few years wage increases will outpace inflation and people will once again see a future that is better for their children.

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