Thursday, March 28, 2024


Rasmussen polling found that out of every 1,000 people there would always be 3 or 4 who were far more radical than everyone else. These people had three things in common. They had post graduate degree, family incomes above $150,000 and lived in large cities. When Rasmussen aggregated the responses from more than 20 surveys, he realized these people made up a unique elite 1 percent. He then did a national survey of only people with these characteristics and found some astonishing results. The elite 1% gave Biden an 82% approval rating while the public gave only 41%. The elite 1 percent are surprisingly young. Sixty-seven percent are between 35 and 54 years old. They are 86 percent white. Almost half of them (47 percent) favor “Sanders-like policies.” They are overwhelmingly Democrats (73 percent). 57% of all voters say there is not enough individual freedom and 47% of the elite say there is too much individual freedom. When asked if it would be OK to cheat to win an election only 7% of Americans said yes but 35% of the elite said yes. Even more startling was that a special group of the elites who were politically obsessed where 93% said they would cheat to win.

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