Friday, March 8, 2024


The next time you hear experts making predictions consider the following. The West figured it would bring down the Russian economy by: Freeze all Russian bank accounts Cut assess to Swift (method banks use to transfer funds) Predicted a 15% shrink in Russia's GDP Money would flow out of Russia causing inflation Imports of needed raw materials would be cut off Industries would collapse Recession would set in Mass social unrest Run on the banks In fact what happened was that Russia boomed and Europe went into recession. Russia sold oil, natural gas and coal to China and India. Putin raised interest rates to stave off inflation and people kept their money in the bank. Russia had a large trade surplus which they used to build up their military which provided jobs to keep unemployment down. Russia cashed in their dollars and started using Yuan and the Ruble hit an eight year high. Russian GDP in 2023 rose to an all time high of $4.2 trillion dollars and grew at a 3.6% rate higher than any Western country. These are people who spend their lives studying this stuff and they all agreed they could control Russia.

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