Monday, March 18, 2024


What will happen if Trump is reelected. Some democrats say that Trump will declare a national emergency and take control of the government by way of insurrection. He will use his power as commander in chief to declare martial law and use the military to enforce his plans. Martial Law is when a city, state, or country is placed under the control of the military. This includes using military courts for trials during wartime and the use of military forces within the United States.  This brings up the question as to why Trump did not do this on January 6, 2021 but instead sat by and watched a couple of thousand enter the Capital building swinging clubs and waving flags. By the end of the day it was over and the people went home. Some say that Trump will use his power to punish those who oppose him but he did not move against Hillary when he was president. Trump supporters see a different scenario. If Trump is reelected he will open up the spigot on fossil fuels, he will reinstate his border policies, negotiate a peace with Putin, reinstall the sanctions on Iran, expand the Abraham Accords, investigate the migrants and deport those with criminal past and set the stage for work permits for the rest, have congress set up a new committee to curtail the power of the intelligence groups, much like the Church Committee in 1975 and continue the push to bring business back home. During his second term he will oversee the doubling of the US industrial base by encouraging reshoring. In four year he will leave the country with a booming economy with high inflation. It will be up to his successor to tame inflation and offer a path to citizenship for those migrants with work permits. At this point the only thing standing in the way of his reelection is ballot harvesting and if that is successful then the country will have four years of Biden to Harris. In either case the economic exspanion will continue and it will not be the of democracy.

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