Friday, March 29, 2024


The biggest problems facing the country today are the gap in test scores and the income gap. In the past I have proposed many ways to close the income gap and now I propose a revolutionary idea to help our education system. After a student learns how to read and write the rest of their schooling should be designed around the concept that you find out what you are good at and get better at it. If history is your thing then study history. If you are not good at math the forget about math. If you like to write then write. Starting in high school student will select courses that they have an interest in and not be forced to take a common curriculum. They will be required to take four courses each semester for a total of 16 courses. If they want to take 8 courses in reading and 8 courses in writing so be it. If they choose 16 courses in shop type things like auto repair, welding and carpentry so be it. If they only want to prepare for college than advisers can help them choose. This will allow students to spend their time learning about things they have an interest in and at the same time get them prepared for work after school. This is just an outline of a new way of doing things. Others can make improvements with their ideas. It is a start.

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