Thursday, March 7, 2024


Is Victorian Nuland just the first rat to flee the sinking Ukraine War ship. The next to fall is Zelensky whose popularity has fallen from 90 plus percent when the war started to 84% ten months later and 62% in December of 2023. President Biden has stumbled into a way out of what is now being called Biden's war. The republicans will not fund the war unless Biden agrees to change his border policy. Biden can hold out and Ukraine will have to depend on Europe and Ukraine will slide slowly into defeat. Biden can then place the blame on the republicans. This is similar to his strategy to place the blame on the republicans for the border situation. The truly sad part about this whole affair is watching the country of Ukraine disintegrate into ashes while the West tries to weasel out of who is to blame. This war could have been prevented if the West would have agreed to keep Ukraine out of NATO but that would have meant no cash for the defense industry monster. You have to feed the beast for as Nuland said the money spent on weapons all goes to profits for defense contractors in America. It a win win.

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