Saturday, March 2, 2024


When President Biden took office the border was secure. During the preceding twelve years which included eight years of Obama and four years of Trump illegal migrant crossings average 40,000 per month. In Biden's first year in office the number jumped to 120,000 and the second year 200,000 and in 2023 the number rose to 250,000. The question is what happened. When Biden took office he inherited the Trump border policy which was five parts. First Trump forced Mexico to close their border with Guatemala. Second he instituted the remain in Mexico policy. Third he stopped catch and release. Forth he started building the wall. Fifth he used forced deportations much like Obama. When Biden came in he canceled Trumps policies. Over the past three plus years since Biden took office more than 7 million illegal migrants have crossed into the US. This does not include the 1.7 million known got a ways and of course none of the unknown got a ways. During this time the government has lost track of 85,000 minors. There is no way to tell how many women and girls were molested and no way to tell how many criminals were among the migrants and no way to tell how much money the cartels made. During these years over 100,000 young people have died each year from fentenyl use and poisoning. Local public services including hospitals and schools have been over loaded . None of these things were recognized by the press as problems until Texas started sending migrants to big cities and then everyone was awakened to the problem and now it is a serious threat to Biden's reelection. It may be too late politically but it is not too to solve the problem. Biden need only to reinstate the policies he ended when he took office.

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