Saturday, March 16, 2024


In reviewing the Ukraine War, the question comes up as to why it started and there are two camps. The first says that Russia was allowed to get away with murder figuratively and literally as they killed various people around the world, using fake accidents and poison. They tricked the President of Georgia into making a mistake so they could invade and take over part of his country and nothing happened. They annexed Crimea and paid no price. The held elections in the Donbas region and took over those areas with only small reisitance. The next move was to invade Ukraine and so far sanctions have not hindered their advancment. It was only logical to assume that they would keep on going until stopped. The second side explains the invasion by saying that for 20 years Russia kept complaining about NATO expansion and the West kept promising there would be no advancement but they kept moving east. Putin announced that his red line was Ukraine joining NATO and when it looked like that was about to happen he invaded. Let us assume that both of these sides had ligitimae concerns and then ask, what now. The war is two years old and both sides realize that they serverely miscalcuted how the war would go. It is like the GPS on your car. When you make a wrong move the voice says recalculating. It is time for both sides to sit down and admit that mistakes were made and take steps to recalculate. It is time to reach a peace agreement. The ineptness of the Russian military has been exposed and the refusal of NATO to use ground troops is exposed so they can continue to drag out this conflict to the detriment of both sides or they can allow common sense to intervene and reach a peaceful settlement. Those who watch the war carefully now agree that in the long run that this is the only way out.

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