Wednesday, March 6, 2024

War or peace

When Russia invaded Ukraine, NATO led by the US began sending aid to Ukraine. In the first month President Biden declared that Putin should be removed from power. The West began sending aid to Ukraine and that was followed by sanctions. As time passed more aid and more sanctions but neither seem to deter Putin. Two years into the war and the Russian economy is booming. The leaders in the West miscalculated. The moved without thinking things through. They assumed sanctions would cripple the Russia economy. They didn't take into account the fact that China and India would buy Russia oil in spite of the sanctions. They didn't count on Iran and North Korea offering military equipment to Russia. They thought they could use the US control of the currency to strangle Russia. The West pushed though one escalation after another and yet Russia gained in power and Ukraine lost power. Now they are beginning to realize the adverse effects of their miscalculations. They must either continue down this road or admit that they miscalculated. Is it time to swallow your pride and admit they screwed up or should they risk a wider war just to save face. Trump could come in and end the war because he is not responsible for what has transpired these past two years. For many people the thought of Trump ending this war is worse than continuing to escalate. For others ending the war would be worth putting up with Trump.

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