Saturday, March 23, 2024


As the US pursues the Ukraine War it is time to review what happened in the Iraq War. During the Iraq/Iran War from 1980 to 1986 the US provided Iraq with various forms of WMD and these were used by Iraq against the Iranian citizens on numerous occasions. Iraq actively researched and later employed WMD from 1962 to 1991. In 1991 it destroyed its WMD and halted all programs. Bush invoked this use as justification for seeking regime change in Iraq. In the early 2000's Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair both asserted that Iraq's WMD programs were still active and that large stockpiles of WMD were hidden in Iraq. Iraq failed to comply with Security Council Resolution 1441 which demanded that Saddam give, "immediate, unconditional and active cooperation" with UN inspections. The government repeatedly offered information stating that the US must go to war to prevent Saddam from developing WMD and in March of 2003 the US invaded. The war went on for eight years during which time 4,492 Americans were killed at a cost of $728 billion dollars and the lives of 200,000 Iraqi citizens and another 100,000 Iraqi soldiers. There were no WMD found and after the war there was speculation that the US had used WMD as a reason for war without sufficient proof. Later it was revealed that the US used coercive tactics to secure the votes needed to pass resolution 1441 which gave permission to go to war. Can the American people feel confident that the information being presented by the government concerning Ukraine is correct. Is it possible that facts are being changed to promote the continuation of the war which has now cost the lives of 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 120,000 injured at a cost of $178 billion. This is only the second year

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