Saturday, March 9, 2024


It's time for those who are in favor of the West policy concerning Ukraine to ask themselves two questions. First do you want Russia to win and second do you want Ukraine to win. For those who answer yes to the first question they must recall their original reason for opposing Russia was the fear the if Russia wins they will be emboldened to move onto the next country. For those who answer yes to the second question they must recall that their original reasoning was if Ukraine wins that Russia will use nuclear weapons. This leads to a third question. Have your answers changed since the start of the war and secondly will your answers change in the future. If you come to the conclusion that maintaining the war with neither side winning is an acceptable outcome are you comfortable with that. Does a negotiated peace settlement seem more acceptable as time passes and if so will things get better by waiting. If none of the above fits your position what is your position. What is the governments position. What is the goal. How does this end.

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