Thursday, December 12, 2019

Boris Johnson

The goings on in England mirror the US and seem to be a repeat of the Reagan/Thatcher years. Three years ago the British voted to leave the EU but the establishment failed to act and now Boris Johnson, England's version of Trump. has won on the promise that he would defy the establishment. It appears that the election today, will give Boris the votes he needs to leave the EU and in doing so will upset the apple cart of the bureaucrats, who have vested interest in the status quo and they don't like it one bit. When people who have spent years finding their niche as insiders, suddenly find themselves on the outside looking in, they are not happy. The labor party that opposed Boris was promising a government take over much like Thatcher spent years undoing. His opponent promised to nationalize public utilities and railroads and offered many new welfare benefits but the people wouldn't buy it. Will this be a precursor of the upcoming election in the US?

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