Monday, December 30, 2019

Where are the jobs

Over the years the democrats have been given the pejorative title of the tax and spend party and this year is a prime example of that philosophy. While all of the candidates have grandiose plans for providing government benefits to the citizens there is an unfortunate lack of plans for people to help themselves. Where are the jobs? Meanwhile the democratic party is looking for ways to help illegals cross the southern border, promoting sanctuary cities, having members expressing anti-Jewish positions (BDS), actively opposing police (Black lives matter) and many see free market capitalism as a failing economic system. The leadership promotes separating people by groups based on characteristics such as race and life style. Even things like saluting the flag and saying the anthem have come under attack. There is a large group who fail to see America as the land of opportunity but concentrate instead on Americas short comings which makes it more difficult for them to improve their status. These changes in attitude have been growing for many years but accelerated since Bush 43 was elected in 2000.

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