Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Super majority

FDR was elected in 1932 winning all but 6 states. He had a super majority in the senate and a large majority of 313 democrats in the house. Because of this he was able to pass 15 major acts in the first 100 days. This became known as the New Deal. These were all government programs paid for by deficit spending. Even with all this the depression didn't end until WW 2 started some nine years later. The courts then said that The President had overstepped his authority and threatened to undo and did undo some of the basics in the New Deal. FDR then decided to pack the court with friendly justices by adding six new judges but the congress would not go along with it. Many people were concerned that the government was assuming to much power and many thought the government should do even more, not unlike what we face today. Recall that FDR wanted a second bill of rights which included a guaranteed job with a living wage, a house to live in, health care for all, government pensions and free education. He got social security and free public education. In contrast President Obama had a super majority for 150 days and passed only Obamacare.

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