Sunday, December 29, 2019

Minority voters

For the past 50 plus years, politics in America has been on a slow but inexorable march toward democratic dominance. The demographics dictated that the growth in minorities would eventually overcome the white majority and the Republican Party would just go away. All that has suddenly changed. These minorities are not just the robot voters that most thought but thoughtful voters who can think for themselves and they are more concerned about jobs and pay rates than party loyalty. Several recent polls show that upwards of 30% of minority voters are leaning toward Trump. If this trend continues it spells disaster for democrats. 16 million blacks voted in the last election and a swing of 20% of those would mean over 3 million. Add to that another 3 million Hispanic votes and the election turns over. Once these people start voting with their pocket books, the long predicted demographic will be turned on its head. The cry of racism that has helped to keep these voters in line, will lose its power as their economic situation improves.

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