Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Nancy Pelosi says she doesn't hate anyone and I agree with her. The word hate is thrown around with reckless abandon and most people don't really mean hate when they say it. Webster says hate is "intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury". I have never hated anyone and I have never known anyone who hated. The word is used when a dislike for what someone does transfers to who someone is. If we dislike people because we disagree with what they say, we will have a very small circle of friends. We should strive to disagree without being disagreeable. When we dislike people for who they are it becomes an emotional response without the constraints of reasoning. This clouds our judgment and leads to a biased opinion of others without us realizing it. It also causes unneeded stress on everyone involved and can even destroy relationships. An old adage says you get back what you send out.

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