Saturday, December 28, 2019

Read and write

It is my contention that unless you are going to be an engineer or a scientist, you do not need to take algebra 2 and chemistry in high school. Those courses should be replaced with writing courses. Each day the student would have the option of selecting an article or be assigned an article to read and then write a summery of that article. The article should be ten to twenty pages and the summery should be one page. After doing this every day during their junior and senior years they will leave high school knowing how to read and write down what was read. These courses would be called reading comprehension one and two. There are many reports on the Internet indicating that majoring in English in college is a waste of time and money. Learning how to read an write should be done in high school and one of the reasons that people major in English in college is because they didn't learn how to read and write in high school. This extra time in college could be used to study civics, economics, and personal finance. These courses would include business, basic accounting and taxes. Throw in a course on interpersonal relationships and this person will be ready to go to work. If the students choose not to go to college they will be equipped to meet the challenges of the work place because they can read and write and write down what they read.

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