Thursday, December 19, 2019

Trump voters

The Trump voters are standing by their man because they agree with his policies. They like lower taxes and fewer regulations. They like getting out of agreements with Iran and not participating in the TPP and the Paris accords. They like the new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. They like the tough stance on trade policy with China and the upcoming tough stand with Europe. They like a stronger military and backing police. They like the booming economy, record stock market and low unemployment along with rising wages especially for the lower income groups. They like 9 million fewer people off food stamps. They like the new border wall. They like the fact that the US is now the largest energy producer and energy exporter. They like allowing people to keep their private healthcare. Vets like going to non Vet hospitals. They like the close partnership with Israel, moving the Embassy to Jerusalem and keeping the Golan Heights in Israels control. They like the fact that he is not presidential and speaks bluntly. The democrats big mistake is allowing their distrust for Trump to morph into disgust with Trump voters calling them cultist.

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