Thursday, December 28, 2023


It is New Years Day 2025 and as we look back at 2024 we are astounded as to how much happened in one short year, enough to spin heads all across the country. It began July 4th of 2024 when a terrorist acting alone fired an RPG rocket into a cafe where President Biden and VP Harris were lunching and both died instantly. Within 24 hours House Speaker Mike Johnson was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. The next week Johnson named Donald Trump as his new V|P and promised not to run in the November 2024 elections which opened the door for Trump. During the summer Biden's health had deteriorated to the point where he was kept out of the public and his surrogates were given the responsibility for his reelection. A special prosecutor was set up to investigate the assassination of Biden and Harris and uncovered a terrorist gang was responsible. Members of Hamas had come across the border as got-a-ways and brought with them an Iranian manufactured rocket. A person sympathetic to the Palestinian cause had a close friend who worked in the White House and had access to the president schedule and thus they knew that both the president and the VP would be at that restaurant at that time. Amid a large group of protesters it was easy to get close to the target as the police did not want to elevate the tension. Joyous celebrations erupted spontaneously around the world as people saw this act as payback for the bombings in Gaza which they blamed on Biden. Trump spent his first year expanding fossil fuel production to the max including coal as the demand for energy rose rapidly as the manufacturing base grew in response to onshoring. He closed the border by bringing back remain in Mexico and forcing the Mexican president to close the border between Mexico and Guatemala by threatening to place import taxes on goods from Mexico. Trump's war on crime resulted in threatening to cut off federal money to states who failed to carry out the law in regards to no bail and DA's who failed to jail repeat criminals. He opened up the Red Sea to traffic by threatening an oil embargo against Iran. He met with NATO officials and convinced them to negotiate a peace settlement in Ukraine offering the Dombas region to Putin and a promise not to invited Ukraine into NATO. As the year came to an end Trump spent his time setting up plans to fight inflation.

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