Wednesday, December 6, 2023


In my younger days I argued a lot with just about anybody and I was quite certain that my position on issues was right. Rarely if ever did I change my mind or change anyone else mind but in the end I would say we agree to disagree. I didn't become disagreeable. I didn't accuse people of being ignorant. I didn't call them derogatory names. In today's world things are much different. Today arguments may end in threats. You may be discredited on social media or worse lose your job. What happened to civil discourse. Its my way or the high way. As years passed I came to understand that I was not always right or more importantly I came to understand that there isn't always a right way. As you live longer there are more times that you realize that what you used to believe you no longer believe. Sometimes the changes are minimal but sometimes they are substantial. Often times changes in beliefs occur gradually over time when no one is suggesting you change. Once the ego gets out of the way it becomes easier to see things in a new light.

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