Tuesday, December 5, 2023


I could easily be accused of being a conspiracy theorist because I believe that non-elected bureaucrats have too much power. Here is how they work. According to the constitution, congress has oversight power to investigate these bureaucrats and this is especially necessary in the Attorney Generals office where the laws of the land are enforced. If the FBI, which reports to the Attorney General, needs oversight the congress is stymied by the FBI saying they cannot comment on an ongoing investigation. They can stonewall. Congress has subpoena power but it is up to the Justice Department which is under the jurisdiction of the Attorney General to enforce subpoena's. The Attorney General can choose not to enforce the subpoena and nothing is done. The congress subpoenaed Attorney Genreal Eric Holder but he never showed and the congress could do nothing about it. When this kind of standoff occurs the congress is stopped dead in its tracks. The only other recourse is impeachment and that requires a two/thirds vote in the senate and the way government is divided today that is impossible. Simply stated, the power of the executive branch can only be controlled by impeachment. Congressional oversight means very little without enforcement power. If the FBI has done something illegal the president can hide this with impunity and over the years the FBI has done plenty of things that were illegal.

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