Sunday, December 17, 2023


It is quite interesting to see how news events change as more information is uncovered. Things like the Covid lab leak, the George Floyd death in MPLS, the January 6 revolution, the Jussie Smollett attack in Chicago, the Michael Brown attack in Ferguson, the Duke lacrosse team rape of a Black girl and many others going all the way back to 1987 when Tawana Brawley claimed she was raped and Rev Al Sharpton got caught up in the sham and became famous for being wrong. More recently is the Hunter Biden laptop which was deemed Russian disinformation but later verified by the FBI and the hospital bombing by the Jews which turned out to be wrong. Notice how some of these events caused a minor stir but others created major problems leading to death and destruction. Who, if anyone, pays the penalty for these reactions before the whole story is revealed. These things happen because the reporters have a preconceived notion as to what the story is about and without further investigation they publish what they think is going on instead of waiting for facts to confirm what they think. Once that is done and future facts discredit their reporting they must then retract what they said or double down and most often they double down. Here is the latest on the lab leak from March 2, 2023 The WHO on Friday urged all countries to reveal what they know about the origins of Covid-19, following US claims of a Chinese lab leak and furious denials from Beijing.FBI director Christopher Wray told Fox News television on Tuesday that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation had now assessed the source of the Covid-19 pandemic was "most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan". You have to do a deep dive on the Internet to find this information and the press in general does not want to cover the story.

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