Friday, December 22, 2023


It is time for a review of recent history, in particular the 20th Century. The United States led the free world through two wars and the great depression and as WW 2 came to an end the US was the single power capable of taking over the world. The bombs never hit American and the military machine was in full gear producing tanks, planes and ships in record speed. Instead of trying to take over other countries the US changed over to producing kitchen appliance, cars and homes and then used the profits to rebuild Europe and Japan. Meanwhile the Soviet Union went on the path to spread communism around the globe by taking countries by force. The new Soviet Empire included Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. It was a cold war between communism and free market capitalism. In time other countries seeing the success of the Soviets turned toward communism. Countries like North Korea, North Vietnam, China and Cuba. By the 1990's the only communist countries to prosper were China and Vietnam and they did so by going to a free market economy while maintaining their communist government. Today as the world enters the reshoring, America can once again step up and save Europe. Because of lack of energy and declines in population, Europe's economy is in decline while North America will enter an era of unprecedented growth. America will become the customers of the rest of the world and allow Europe to get through some trying times by exporting to the US market. America blessed with the most diversified populace and the freedoms awarded by the constitution stands on the precipice of revitalizing the world. The US government must step aside and use its powers to protect the country from foreign invaders, guarantee a level playing field for the free market and guard against corruption. Young people entering the work market today will see the middle income groups with good paying jobs including benefits much like things were in the 1950's. As prosperity increases those who are always putting down America will fade away. The American dream will be revitalized and the working people who built the country will rebuild.

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