Saturday, December 23, 2023


Beginning with the founding of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 1971 a group of individuals and their business associates have set about a long term plan to have a world government. Just like many in the United States see the federal government replacing state government the WEF wants a world government to replace national governments. The same arguments are use in both cases. These are the rich and powerful people who meet each year in Davos, Switzerland to set their agenda for world government. The deglobalization and accompanying reshoring that is in progress has tossed a major wrench into their plans. This is the exact opposite of what they have been striving for since the 1970's. There are a number of conspiracy theories floating around as to how they might respond and one is a world wide Internet crash. With this they could demand that all people have ID's so that any future crashes could be handled expeditiously giving them one of their long term goals of world wide ID cards. These could be used to open personal information on a much grander scale than the Patriot Act passed shortly after 9/11. They believe the first necessary step to controlling the world would be to control personal information. There was a trial run to determine how the people would react when Biden, in early 2000, declared a medical emergency over Covid. People were given orders and they dutifully followed and if you didn't there would be consequences. You must close your business, stay in doors, stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask and get your Covid shot. If you chose not to obey you would subjected to ridicule, public shaming and job loss. The press, Silicon Valley, big business and social media immediately joined forces with the government to make sure people toed the line. Those in power felt it was almost too easy.

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