Friday, December 29, 2023

Evil side

There is a battle going on between news people and it involves how news is reported. The old school journalist involved striving for objectivity knowing that it was impossible to report without bias but constantly on the lookout for bias. It was a common practice for a journalist to ask the opinion of a trusted comrade. The idea was to search out the facts and present those to the reader and then allowing the reader to interpret the facts. It was considered irresponsible to infer motives. It was proper to print what someone said but not what the reader thought they meant. The sort of I know what you thinking type reporting. In recent years a new type of journalism has appeared on the scene and it is called moral clarity. The journalist is now allowed to take the facts and editorialize on the facts. The writer starts with the facts and then proceeds to expand the story to meet the writers preconceived idea of what is really going on. This then leads to a conflict between good and evil with the journalist knowing which side is evil. If one side is evil then all bets are off. The evil side does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. That side is no longer innocent until proven guilty. It becomes trial by public opinion.

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