Friday, December 1, 2023

Read and write

Once in a while something in the news make sense. Major businesses are moving away from requiring college degrees for an increasing number of positions. Instead, they’re focusing on applicants’ skills, experience, passions, and even their cultural fit. Will wonders never cease! Case in point. You have two applicants for a job opening at your business. The first is a college graduate who couldn't find the kind of job she wanted so she is 24 years old and living at home with her parents. Applicant two graduated from high school and went to work stocking shelves at Walmart and now has her own apartment and pays her own light bill. I maintain that most people can do most jobs if they know how to read and write. The rest they can learn on the job but it requires a willingness to work. In the coming years as the country enters the age of reshoring many people will be hired right out of high school and businesses will be thankful to have them.

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