Thursday, December 7, 2023


The bizarre case of Jeffery Epstein. He was good at math and got a job teaching at a prestigious high school where met the parents, many of whom where influential people. He was considered overly friendly with the female students but in time was discharged for poor performance. One of the men he befriended was Ace Greenberg an officer at Bear Sterns. He got a job there and in just four years became a senior partner in 1980. Within a year he started his own firm and would only accept clients who had more than one billion dollars to invest. In addition he demanded power of attorney from each of his clients. He had a couple of hundred employees but he personally handled the financial matter of each of them. These clients allowed him access to many rich and powerful men. In 2005 a 14 year old girl told her parents that Epstein had assaulted her and they went to the police. 40 girls between the ages of 13 and 16 came forth and told of being assaulted. In 2007 he was given a plea deal to spend 13 months in the county jail. The Miami DA Alex Acosta allowed Epstein to leave the jail 12 to 15 hours each day even though the law did not allow leave for sex offenders. The victims which now totaled 80 were not told of the plea deal. In addition a deal was made that said any and all future defendants would have immunity. Many surmised that this would prevent any of his associates from future prosecution. All of this led many people to assume that Epstein was blackmailing his clients and their powerful friends with the evidence that they were sexually involved with underage girls. How many billionaires would turn all of their money over to one man and then give him power of attorney to do with the money what he wanted. How many DA's would give immunity to all future defendants without even knowing whom they might be. All of this gives credence to the idea that Epstein did not commit suicide while in jail but was murder to keep him from releasing the names of his influential clients. Is there a two tiered justice system in the United States. Do the rich and powerful get special treatment.

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